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About us

The activity of CIVAS

began back in 1956. Since then we have been fulfilling our engagement to constantly associate the traditional working ability of the great italian tailoring with the economic advantages of industrial production.
Our production consists mainly of overcoat and outerwear for women (jackets, coats, raincoats, etc.); our choice to act as specialists in this market niche has been rewarded by the continuous growth of our company, which today produces over 500 items a day.
At present a new men and women sportswear line called Pluvex implements today’s production. Pluvex addresses to more selected and trendy clients.
Our items are marketed by some of the most prestigious Italian, European and world’s large distribution chains. We are currently present on the market all over Europe and particularly in France, where our own show-room stands in Paris since 1974.
In 1988 We drew up an important distribution agreement with a well known Japanese Department Store chain, thus giving way to the presence of CIVAS trademark in this important market as well.
We are well convinced  that also in our field the new technologies may considerably help to improve yhe quality of the product.
Our love for fabrics and our craftsman-like care for details are matched by cad-cam-cid automated cutting system and by a massive use of informatics, both in support of our model-makers' creativeness so as production control.


Ai sensi dei commi da 125 – 129 L. 124/2017 e ai fini della trasparenza, si comunica che la Società ha beneficiato di aiuti e contributi pubblici in forma di sovvenzioni, sussidi, contributi (inclusi i contributi in conto capitale, conto esercizio e/o conto interessi) e vantaggi (incluse le garanzie pubbliche su finanziamenti ricevuti) erogati da Amministrazioni Pubbliche e/o da società a partecipazione pubblica; i dettagli in bilancio e “Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato”, ai sensi dell'art. 52 L. 234/2012.

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Civas Industria Abbigliamento 

V.le Rimembranze, 9 - 20844 - Triuggio (MB) - Italy
Tel  +39 0362 943052

Partita IVA IT00697580967

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